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Welcome to the Blog!

 Xiao Yi  Dec 29, 2022  0 Comments


In this era of information explosion, I think I receive too much information every day, which makes me greedy.

Recently, I started subscribing to various e-mail magazines. I get a lot of information from blogs and social media, but I feel like email magazines feel like they're "sent to you" and you receive information a little differently. Some people say email is a waste, but I think it's OK .-Dec 15, 2022 BiliBili XkXiaoYi  

对了!First article不知道写什么就把About Me页面那个按钮的把代码放在这吧!


<button class="button2">
    Hover me


.button2 {
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.button2:active {
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.button2:before {
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  display: block;
  transition: all 0.5s 0.1s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0, 0.1, 1);
  z-index: -1;

.button2:after {
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  position: absolute;
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  transform: translateX(-50%) scaleY(1) scaleX(1.45);
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  display: block;
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.button2:hover {
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.button2:hover:before {
  top: -35%;
  background-color: #009087;
  transform: translateX(-50%) scaleY(1.3) scaleX(0.8);

.button2:hover:after {
  top: -45%;
  background-color: #009087;
  transform: translateX(-50%) scaleY(1.3) scaleX(0.8);



Xiao Yi ( Admin )

καλή τύχη φίλε μου!

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